The Evil Man’s Lazy Lady Chapter 68 (Part 4)

Chapter 68: Bun (Extra) (4) Original translation is from tenderflower's blog.

Shu Lan burst out laughing. The more she thought about it, the more funny she felt. He actually wanted to compete with his son about who was more important.

“Older brother Wolf, you and Ah Bai are both important, and I like you two the most!” She lay on him and hugged his neck.

Xiao Lang’s eyes suddenly brighten up.


Seven years later, the mountains behind Qingshan Village.

Behind the trees, a person and a wolf were facing each other nervously.

The person was a young boy who looked to be only seven or eight years old. His skin color was dark, and the coarse cloth shirt he was wearing was torn in several places, with faint traces of blood on it. But as if he didn’t feel any pain, he held the bow and arrow steadily, keeping the sharp arrow aimed at the gray wolf two feet away. The wolf seemed to have just grown up. It was less than three feet tall, with its front body bent low and its brown eyes staring at him firmly. When Xiao Bai was four years old, he followed his father into the mountains to hunt. He knew the wolf was preparing to attack him.

He only had this arrow left. He had to hit its vital point. Although he knew his father was watching him nearby and would not put him in danger, he still wanted to deal with the sudden appearance of the wolf independently.

The wolf moved, Xiao Bai quickly dodged to one side, and shot the long arrow at the wolf’s waist.

The sharp arrow hit the wolf’s vital part as he expected. Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could relax, there was a sudden sound of wind in his ears. The wolf howled miserably, jumped up again, and rushed towards him!

Xiao Bai’s eyes widened. How could it be possible? In the past, his father had hit the wolf’s waist with an arrow... Could it be that he was not strong enough?

However, now was not the time to pursue those matters. Xiao Bai calmed down in an instant and rolled to one side in time to avoid the gray wolf’s fangs. However, his shoulder was caught by the wolf’s claws. The pain of splitting flesh and blood made Xiao Bai cry out. He was covered in cold sweat.

After landing, he quickly pulled out the dagger tied to the side of his calf and pretended to fall to the ground. When the wolf tentatively approached, he pounced forward, pressed down on the wolf’s head, and stabbed it hard, and the strong smell of blood hit his face, but he didn’t realize it. He stabbed the wolf’s neck one after another until the gray wolf stopped moving, he gasped and fell to the side. He looked at the green tree above his head and laughed. He killed a wolf. He killed a wolf without his father’s help.

His limbs were sore. He closed his eyes tiredly.

He heard the sound of footsteps and knew his father was coming. He smiled and opened his eyes, expecting his father’s praise.

“Can you still sit up?” Xiao Lang looked down at the panting boy with a cold face.

“Dad?” Xiao Bai shouted in confusion. What did he do wrong? He clearly killed a wolf alone!

Xiao Lang ignored the wound on his son’s shoulder, squatted next to him, drew out his dagger, and pointed it at Xiao Bai’s neck: “If I were your enemy, would you still have the strength to resist?”

Xiao Bai’s pupils shrank, and then he defended: “But you are my father. I know you will not harm me!”

“Just because I am your father, you trust me without reservation?”

Xiao Bai nodded. Seeing his father’s displeasure, he quickly shook his head: “No, because we live together and I know you won’t harm me, so I trust you.”

“Oh? So what you’re saying is that as long as it’s someone you know and trust, you can safely hand over your powerless self to the other person?”

“Yes, since I believe him, it’s natural to be like that.” Xiao Bai didn’t feel like there was anything wrong.

Xiao Lang took back the dagger, helped his son up, and cleaned his wound. If he didn’t clean it, he would be in trouble. He asked coldly: “Then what if you make a mistake in your judgment and the person who seems trustworthy is actually deliberately approaching you? In fact, his appearance is not what it seems, or he bows to you when you are strong, but gives you a fatal blow when you are injured and weak. What should you do? Like just now, if I suddenly want to kill you, what should you do? Or rather, what can you do?”

Xiao Bai’s face became paler and paler. It was really like that. He had no power to fight back and there was only one way to die.

“Dad, according to your opinion, I shouldn’t trust others?” He frowned and questioned. If he were to be on guard against everyone, wouldn’t it be a tiring life?

“No, you can trust others, but you can’t trust others with your life. No matter what the situation, you must ensure that you can escape unscathed. Just like now, you clearly didn’t need to kill the wolf. You can escape to the tree and wait for it to leave, or ask me to come out to help you, instead of showing off and trying your best. You can only fight when you have no choice, do you understand?”

Xiao Bai didn’t speak. He needed to think carefully about his father’s words.

His motive for killing the wolf was to prove himself to his father, so if it changed to another partner, he would probably do it, also to prove himself and for his own vanity. Therefore, if his partners were not hostile to him, all he would gain was their envy. Once they were hostile, he would pay with his own life.

For vanity, success, gain, failure, and death were unnecessary. The key was whether he tried his best or whether he trusted the wrong person. Obviously, he could decide whether to try his best, but he cannot guarantee his trust was correct.

Dad’s words were right. Only when you have no choice could you go all out and not take risks for petty gains.

“Dad, I understand.” Xiao Bai raised his head. His eyes were firm and steady.

Xiao Lang happened to finish applying the medicine for him. Seeing he really thought about it and understood, he smiled and touched his head: “Let’s go home. Your mother will be worried if we don’t go home.” With a slight force in his big hand, he lifted his son up.

Thinking of his gentle mother, Xiao Bai showed a sly smile, followed his father, and said, “Dad, don’t worry, I will never tell Mother how I was hurt!”

Xiao Lang paused and looked down at him: “If you dare to say one more thing, see how I deal with you!”

Xiao Bai laughed out loud and ran down the mountain briskly. It didn’t matter how powerful his father was, as soon as his mother glared, he would have to admit his mistake!


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Original translation is from willkissonyou, tenderflower. If you're not reading from tenderflower then it'd been stolen and posted without the consent of tenderflower.

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