[Quick Transmigration] Where is the Morality Chapter 138 (Part 1)

Take It for Your Own Chapter 32 (Part 1) Original translation is from tenderflower's blog.

Half an hour later, they came to the -3 floor again. Everyone prayed in their hearts that the toad that had just followed them would not be there anymore. Everyone put on a fighting stance.

Fortunately, they were lucky. When the elevator door opened, it was empty. Li Wentao stretched out the vine to confirm that there was no danger from left or right. Ni An and the six people immediately jumped out of the elevator and ran to the corridor at the fastest speed.

When they ran to the door, the toads hadn’t noticed them. Lei Shuhai opened the door of a laboratory and threw a fireball inside. He didn’t hear any movement and hurried in. Ni An also entered the room where Xu Ping and the others had hidden previously. At this time, one of the toads at the other end of the corridor finally noticed the movement here and was leaping over to this side.

As soon as Xia Ruyan went in, she saw the corpses of several mutant snakes on the ground. She kicked all the corpses to the corner with her foot and then turned to prepare for battle.

Wang Xushan and Lei Shuhai on the opposite side joined forces to release several fireballs at the toad. The toad was hit by the fireball and croaked angrily. It agitated its cheeks and its long tongue struck at Lei Shuhai. Song Yao behind him released the wind blade in time to cut the toad’s tongue.

The toad looked cumbersome but did not react slowly. It retracted its tongue before the wind blade flew over. It croaked twice and suddenly turned its body to aim at them with its back. The nauseating lumps on its back began to swell gradually.

“Close the door!”

Ni An shouted in a hurry, and then both sides closed the door of the laboratory together. At the moment of the door closing, they only heard the sound of “puff” and “puff” several times like the sound of something popping out.

“It may be venom.” Ni An glanced at Xia Ruyan and Wang Xushan and explained what he had done just now.

“Then what shall we do now?”

“I don’t think there is endless poison on its back. Don’t worry about opening the door for a while, just attack, but be careful of its tongue.”

Ni An finished the warning and let it pass for a moment, and then suddenly opened the door. The three of them attacked outside the door intensively regardless of the facts of the matter and looked out while throwing their abilities.

Sure enough, there was a lot of green mucus on the floor of the corridor. It was particularly disgusting when it was stained on the rats’ corpses and scattered on the surrounding walls. The toad did not turn its back to them again as Ni An said but croaked angrily with its tongue drawn over.

At this time, Lei Shuhai, who was on the opposite side, seemed to hear the movement and opened the door.

Xia Ruyan hurriedly reminded him: “The green mucus may be poisonous!”

Lei Shuhai nodded, stood at the door, and attacked the toad with Song Yao. Tang Mo stood depressed at the back. He was a close combat force type, and it was really useless in this situation.

The toad fought with them for a while and gradually began to lose support under the concentrated firepower of a few of them. Xia Ruyan shouted to Song Yao: “Pierce its eyes!”

Song Yao understood. The two of them used wind blades and water arrows respectively to get the toad’s eyes pierced, and the toad couldn’t avoid it. One eye was pierced by Xia Ruyan’s water arrow and it suddenly screamed in pain. Its tongue was waving wildly, and it was about to be drawn to Wang Xushan’s body. Ni An cut it off with a dagger, and a small tip of its tongue fell to the ground immediately.

At this time, Lei Shuhai threw several fireballs into the toad’s mouth. It rolled on the ground several times and rushed here again. When it rolled, Ni An had laid a thunder net in front of it. As soon as the toad came, it fell on the thunder net and was instantly convulsed by electricity.


Apologize for my delay. I am dead and alive again after a state of hibernation.😴😪

tenderflower has received your support and will update the extra chapter~ Thank you my little cuties for your continued support~ They mean so much to me! Don't forget to stay healthy~😄


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Original translation is from willkissonyou, tenderflower. If you're not reading from tenderflower then it'd been stolen and posted without the consent of tenderflower.

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