The Prey of Zhai Wang - Prologue

Machine Translate, Edited tenderflower


The Prey of Zhai Wang - Prologue

She definitely not getting married!

So, she decided to escape marriage!

Taking advantage of the moonless high blackness, Su Jiang-er wrung the little blue bag, slowly and carefully......planning to drill through the dog hole and snuck out!

The dog hole hidden in the pile of thick grass was accidentally discovered by her, and the size was just right for her petite body to drilled through.

Hey, hey......*

*(T/N: 嘿咻、嘿咻 - no idea what this mean. I searched and came out with “make love or s*x” lol)

She crawled slowly, carefully twisting her waist; when the cave pressed against her abdomen, she took a deep breath, shrinking her abdomen, and crawling over quickly and cleanly.

Very good, through the lower abdomen, there were only the most simple little buttocks left.

Fortunately, the little buttocks of the person were not big, easily passed through the dog hole, then slowly crawled and slowly twisted, the whole body was finally completely out of the dog hole.

"Huu!" Su Jiang-er relaxed her breath, stood up, and patted her body casually, regardless of the fine delicate goose yellow clothes have been worn out a lot, even the delicate elbows were accidentally worn.

That didn't matter, the clothes could be changed, and the broken skin was just a small injury. Now the most important thing was to leave here quickly, the sky was almost bright, and she would be discovered if not leave!

Her little face covered with mud smiled smugly, wrinkled her nose, picked up the little blue bag on the ground and patted it, turned around to face the wall of the house.

"Father, mother, Jiang-er just go out to play! When you get rid of the idea of marrying me off, I will come back!"

She spat her tongue at the wall, and her bizarre watery eyes turned mischievously.

She was only seventeen years old and didn't want to marry so early!

In particular, her future husband was still Yan big brother who she had always regarded as her elder brother, she was even more reluctant!

However, her father wanted her to marry, regardless of her wishes, not like the usually spoiled father of her, even her mother didn’t help her.

Humph! It didn't matter, they wanted to force her, she could always slip away, right?

As early as a few days ago she was ready, she wanted to play all over the North and South, and ate the food all over!

Holding the bag, Su Jiang-er's little face covered with mud smiled happily, then looked at the home for seventeen years, turned and walked away.

Hehe, she started to look forward to the trip in the future.

The Prey of Zhai Wang
Clear eyes
Always looking at the world innocently
To look at me
Make me unable to let go of you no matter what......

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  1. omg a new series. looking forward to this.

    Thank you for translating!


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