Happy Divorce Chapter 1 (Part 2)

Happy Divorce Chapter 1 (Part 2) Original translation is from tenderflower's blog.

Before his wife passed away, she still told him to take good care of his daughter, but he failed to keep his promise to his wife and ignored the daughter she gave birth to for half a year...

He hugged his daughter tightly, almost crying. His fingers trembled as he stroked his daughter’s eyebrows and eyes... The small, soft hands suddenly wrapped around his fingers, and the rosy little face gave him a childish giggle.

That innocent and flawless smile soothed the sorrow in his heart.

“Manlu.” He named his daughter. He looked at her lovingly with tearful eyes and said softly: “Thin and beautiful eyebrows, bright and moving eyes. Delicate and smooth skin, leaving vision more stubborn.” His daughter had a pair of moving eyebrows and eyes and a fair, bright, innocent smile. When he was gazed at by those flawless black eyes with trust, his heart melted instantly.

He believed that one day in the future, another man would melt in his daughter’s eyes, and just as his wife hoped, their daughter would marry a good husband.

“Manlu... you are the treasure left by your mother to your father. Your wishes will be fulfilled by your father. Not only does he want you to enjoy glory and wealth, but he also wants you to be content, safe, and happy forever.” He promised his daughter in his arms, and his baby smiled innocently at him.

From then on, Father Su took great care of his only daughter.

Su Manlu could be said to have grown up under her father's indulgence. Her father never refused her request and never believed that a woman’s virtue lies in her lack of talent. He hired a private teacher for his daughter when she was young and taught her everything. Knowing that his daughter was interested in business, he let her play privately. After all, the Su family had plenty of money, and as a father, he knew how to make money, so he was not afraid that his daughter would go broke.

Su Manlu was quite talented in business. Several of her proposals made the Su family earn a lot of money and made Father Su very happy. He said even if he didn’t have a son, his daughter was not worse than a man.

Su Manlu could be said to be a proud daughter of heaven. Although she was only the daughter of a merchant, her splendor, wealth and pampering were not inferior to those of today’s princesses. After all, there were so many princesses, but only one daughter of the Su family.

Two years ago, Su Manlu got married and moved to the north. The dowry she took with her was almost a mile long. Father Su even hosted a banquet for the whole city to celebrate his daughter’s wedding.

At that time, everyone saw the man who married the Su family's daughter was tall and extremely handsome. His splendid appearance made the surrounding girls jealous and envious. Why did the daughter of the Su family get all the good things? Not only did she have a good family background, but she also married into a good family —— They heard that the man also came from a well-established family and had a very good reputation in the north.

Forget it, the Su family was the richest anyway, so the in-laws they were looking for would not be ordinary. But why was it that Su Manlu’s husband was so handsome?

Comparing them to each other was really irritating... The people in the city couldn’t help but shake their heads and sigh.

People chatted about this wedding banquet for a long time, and they said that the daughter of the Su family was probably born with good fortune and was destined to have a good life.

Who would have thought that the daughter of the Su family was divorced after only two years of marriage? This shocked the people in the city and some rumors spread.

Some people say that the daughter of the Su family was disobedient, some say it was because she couldn’t conceive, and some say it was because she was jealous and angered her husband’s family... Anyway, there were all kinds of rumors. Of course, many people laughed at her and took pleasure in her misfortune. After all, it was impossible for the daughter of the Su family to get all the good things. Look, look, she was divorced now.

Who knew something even more shocking was yet to come? Three months after the daughter of the Su family was divorced and returned home, the Su family suddenly announced that from now on, the Su family’s property would be managed by Su Manlu, and all the stewards of the Su family must obey Su Manlu’s orders. From now on, Su Manlu would be the head of the Su family.

This, this... how could a woman be the head of the family? Was Mr. Su mad because his daughter was divorced?

Wasn’t he afraid Su Manlu would wipe out the Su family’s property? Besides, how could a woman know how to do business? Women should stay at home! It seemed like the Su family was doomed!

Everyone was waiting to see the Su family’s joke. Of course, some people said they would not discuss business with women, and Su Manlu’s approach was also very simple.

Don’t do business with the Su family? Well, she would really cut off all cooperation between the other party and the Su family. Anyway, without this store, there would be other products. Otherwise, she would buy it and let the Su family run it themselves.

Su Manlu’s approach shocked those store owners. She even met with bosses who refused to cooperate at the teahouse the Su family ran. She held a white jade tea cup, smiled dignifiedly and gently, and spoke softly, like a murmuring Jiangnan tune.

“Bosses, are you still insisting? If so, Manlu will not force you. After all, the Su family does not lack this money. The Su family can also do some business by themselves. At most, they can let their subordinates work harder these days. But the Su family can do it, can you?”

Her voice was soft and light, without any ups and downs or any sarcasm, as if she was stating a fact straight and flatly, and the slight smile on her lips was always raised.


I forgot to mention this, thank you for your comments. As you can see, I'll continue this translation^^



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Original translation is from willkissonyou, tenderflower. If you're not reading from tenderflower then it'd been stolen and posted without the consent of tenderflower.

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