[Quick Transmigration] Where is the Morality Chapter 12 (Part 1)

Qiangtou Spring Chapter 12 (Part 1) Original translation is from tenderflower's blog.

“Madam, madam...”

Xia He’s voice came from far to near in her ears. It took Xia Ruyan a lot of effort to lift her heavy eyelids. Xia He breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her wake up: “Madam, it’s already sìshí (9-11 am). You slept so heavily today. This servant has called you for a while.”

Was it so late? Ever since Xia Ruyan married, she woke up everyday at chénshí (7-9 am). She actually slept so late today. Xia Ruyan frowned and wanted to sit up, but she hissed as soon as she sat up, and fell back on the bed with a thud.

“Madam! What’s wrong?” Xia He was startled.

Xia Ruyan fell on the bed and took a cold breath. Her whole body was sore and unbearable, and her legs were hot and tingling. Only then did she recall everything from last night. That’s right, the person who tainted her innocence was the duke’s heir Xie Rong, her nominal stepson. He came to her room last night, and after a dispute, he took her again!

Xia He saw her madam was pale and sweating on her forehead. Thinking she was ill and hurried to check her forehead: “Is the madam unwell? Should I ask the doctor to come and see?”

Xia Ruyan then woke up from the unbearable memories. She waved her hand and took a breath: “No, I’m just a little unwell. I don’t need a doctor. Just lie down. You and Chun Mei can do your own thing. If I don’t call, don’t come in to disturb me before shēnshí (3-5 pm).”

Xia He hesitated a little, but she was steadily driven out.

Lying on the bed, Xia Ruyan’s mind was numb. What did Xie Rong want? How would he deal with her next? At this time, she suddenly remembered that the novice system seemed to have been silent since last night. Was it a bug again?

“System?” She tried to call in her mind.

It was quiet without any response.

Sure enough, was there another bug? (tenderflower: 😂😂 it’s always a bug when Xie Rong appears.) Xia Ruyan looked at the top of the bed silently. Forget it. It was better not to think about it. She’d better rest and recover her strength first. She closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep.

She didn’t know how long she slept, Xia Ruyan felt her belly swell. She finally couldn’t hold it back after a while. She resigned with a sigh, resisted the discomfort, and got up to go to the cleanse room.

But she seemed to overestimate her state. She fell to the ground as soon as her feet hit the ground. Then, Xia Ruyan instinctively closed her eyes, but the expected pain did not come but fell into a hard embrace.

Xia Ruyan looked up in surprise, and it was the face she couldn’t forget—Xie Rong, the originator of her pain.

“It’s you!” Xia Ruyan’s pupils shrunk slightly. She instinctively stretched out her hands to push him, wanting to stand up by herself, but she fell back into the man’s arms because her legs were weak.

Xie Rong snorted coldly: “If you don’t have the strength, don’t mess around and lie down on the bed obediently.”

Xia Ruyan was angry and hated, braced her body, and said angrily: “What are you doing?! Don’t you think I’m not miserable enough?”

Xie Rong raised his eyebrows: “I’m just here to see how miserable you are.”

Xia Ruyan choked in her throat, wishing to hack Xie Rong to death immediately, but she didn’t have the ability. She had to meditate in her heart that the hero didn’t eat the loss in front of him. Her chest fluctuated violently a few times and pressed down her fire airway: “Now you’ve seen it, can you go?”

Xie Rong picked her up and put her on the bed. He covered her with the quilt before he said leisurely: “Mother, why are you in a hurry? I heard you’re not feeling well, so the son specially came to take care of your illness.”

Xia Ruyan was irritated. The swelling of her lower abdomen made her have no thought of fighting with Xie Rong. She rubbed her forehead and said gloomily: “Well, don’t pretend. What do you want?”

Xie Rong stopped talking, stood up, and walked to the table. When he came back, he had a bowl in his hand. He handed the bowl to Xia Ruyan’s mouth and said dully: “Drink this.”

Xia Ruyan was alarmed and asked defensively: “What is this?”

Xie Rong spat out three words: “Child prevention soup.”

Child prevention soup? Xia Ruyan was a little puzzled. She realized it after turning around in her mind. It was the ancient contraceptive, right? After understanding, Xia Ruyan held the bowl and started drinking without saying a word. After the bowl bottomed out, her face was already wrinkled. Damn it, it’s so bitter!

When Xie Rong saw her drinking so simply, his face immediately became a little dark. He sneered and said: “It seems like my mother is in a hurry to get rid of our relationship.”

Xia Ruyan quickly countered: “Is it possible that you’re happy if I’m pregnant with your child?"

Xie Rong’s face turned black in an instant, staring at her fiercely. Xia Ruyan shrank her neck. He was really an uncertain beast. She couldn’t offend him.

After clearing her throat, Xia Ruyan once again issued an order to chase away guests: “I have finished the child prevention soup, do you have anything else? If you don’t have any, can you go now?”

Xie Rong embraced his arms and looked at her condescendingly: “Why is my mother always in a hurry to drive me away? Since your son is here to help your illness, naturally he can’t leave.”

Xia Ruyan turned her head in disgust: “What do you want? Do you want me to die to make you happy?”

Xie Rong’s eyes darkened. Originally, when he heard she had married his father, he really wanted to strangle her, but now when he heard the girl’s voice uttering such words with resentment, his heart felt a bit sting for some reason.

After a moment of silence, Xie Rong said indifferently: “How can my mother say that? Your son naturally hopes you will be healthy.”

Xia Ruyan’s eyes flashed a trace of sarcasm. This man was trying to toss her. She would definitely not be able to last for three years if this went on. She was afraid she would suffer to death after ten days or a half months.

Original translation is from willkissonyou, tenderflower. If you're not reading from tenderflower then it'd been stolen and posted without the consent of tenderflower.

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  1. OMG thank you so much love!!!

  2. This system sucks honestly it’s beyond broken 😠

    1. Well, we need the system to be broken so we can eat meat :P

  3. Lol I won't be able to last a week even if you're hot xie rong


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